Marine ecosystem structures & functions (WP2)
1. Assemble and map existing and new geo-referenced observations about microbiomes, plastics, the plastisphere and carbon flux at regional, basin and all-Atlantic scales.
2. Assemble and map essential ocean variables and indicators of ecosystem services such as biodiversity, bioresources, productivity, food provision and climate support services.
3. Perform bioprospecting for novel enzymes and new genetic signatures for biohazard sensors to demonstrate the potential of AtlantECO's sample and sequence data pool for new products and services.
4. Assess the ecological status of the Atlantic Ocean using high quality observations and derived ecosystem structures and functions.
Marine ecosystem health & services (WP3)
1. Assemble and map existing statistics and indices of ecosystem health and services.
2. The OHI data layers will be updated whenever possible to produce improved estimates of ecosystem health under achievement of current societal goals. The OHI data layers will be used to assess the selected ecosystem services.
3. Social, cultural and economic evaluation of ecosystem services.
4. With improved calculations and having identified key environmental stressors and management levers a connection is made between OHI and MSFD.
Avalie o status de estruturas de ecossistemas, funções, saúde e serviços em escalas regionais, da bacia e do Atlântico e fornecer produtos e mapas de dados em grade de alta qualidade

Enhance knowledge and Innovate by adopting standard optical and genetic observations protocols, cutting-edge network analysis methods, and better parameterisation of connectivity and biogeochemical models.
Augmented observations & technology advances (WP4)
​1. Build capacity around standard protocols and best practices with partners & stakeholders from the four continents bordering the Atlantic Ocean.
2. Generate new observations about microbiomes, plastics and the plastiphere, using AtlantECO's standard protocols during sampling activities in the North and South Atlantic
3. Improve the technological readiness of high-resolution sensors to monitor microbiomes and plastics on sampling platforms and in aquaculture facilities.
Advances in model predictability (WP6)
1. Quantify and reduce uncertainties in physical connectivity between biogeographic regions.
2. improve the design of existing biogeochemical models building on augmented observations of organic matter fluxes, imaging and genetic.
3. Assess the predictive skills of the revised biogeochemical models to better constrain organic matter export, community response to episodic events and adaptability to stressors.
Advances in systems ecology (WP5)
1. Develop cutting edge network analysis methods, define an All Atlantic interactome and ecological niches, and provide indicators of ecosystems stability and sensitivity to stressors and drivers.
2. Conduct experiments to validate the results of network analysis and the connectivity and biogeochemical models developed in WP6.
3. Provide new indices and predictors of ecosystem status, health and services.
4. Identify knowledge gaps to be addressed in a roadmap for future activities.

Assess drivers and stressors of change and forecast their impact on tipping points and recovery of ecosystem structures, functions and services, and develop eco-socio-economic models to predict their future states
Ecosystem change (WP7)
1. Assemble novel time series datasets of ecosystem drivers and stressors, combining high resolution model output, biological data and observation-based products.
2. Assess the present status of basin-scale Atlantic ecosystem processes, their patterns of variability and drivers of change in observational records and model output.
3. Detect and understand stressor variability leading to extreme events and ecosystem shifts using multi-decadal observations and hindcast simulations
Predictions of and for ecosystem services (WP8)
1. Predict the dynamics (future status) of basin-scale Atlantic ecosystem processes and evaluate the likelihood for ecosystem tipping points and regime shifts in response to stressors.
2. Predict and quantify changes in ecosystem services "Carbon sequestration", "Nutrient recycling" and "Primary production" in response to high and low emission climate change scenarios

Share and use capacity and knowledge across the four continents bordering the Atlantic Ocean ensuring a seamless engagement between science, industry, policy, and society.
​Communication, capacity building and outreach (WP9)
1. Promote the project, and communicate on the Belem declaration vision and principles of the All Atlantic scientific cooperation flagship.
2. Promote Atlantic Ocean Literacy to achieve ocean citizen engagement and raise awareness on ocean health and sustainability.
3. Structure and share the multidisciplinary knowledge of AtlantECO through an integrated capacity building programme.
Data management, dissemination and exploitation of results (WP10)
1. Develop and implement the AtlantECO Data Management plan.
2. Ensure that all observations and data products assembled or generated by AtlantECO Comply with the FAIR Guiding
Principles for scientific data management and stewardship.
3. Develop and maintain the AtlantECO Dissemination and Exploitation Plan and perform active innovation
management to ensure maximum uptake of exploitable results
4. Engage in exchanges with the system’s stakeholders to maximise impact and benefits to and from AtlantECO
5. Contribute to marine strategy and policy development by producing recommendations to tackle the challenges and
complexities, aiming to raise awareness among stakeholders