Andrea Green Koettker
PostDoc, UFSC, Brazil

Marine biology
Zooplankton ecology
Marine invertebrate larvae
Ocean literacy
Short BIO
I’m a biologist with a PhD degree in Biological Oceanography and a Postdoc in Ecology. During most of my academic life, I worked with marine invertebrate larvae, the young stages of many benthic organisms, such as crabs, shrimps, barnacles, clams, and starfish. I have published 7 papers and 5 book chapters on this topic and made several presentations at national and international conferences. However, during the last five years, I have been increasingly involved with outreach events focused on science popularization and the promotion of Ocean Literacy to young and general public.
I am passionate about the sea, love being onboard doing research and strongly believe that science we all do inside the university must reach and have a better connection to the society.
Role in AtlantECO
My role at AtlantECO’s Project is focused on meeting the established targets for acquiring new observations and to organize and coordinate the Port Calls aboard Veleiro ECO.
I am involved in WPs 4, 9, and 10, specifically on the tasks Task 4.2- Generate new observations, Task 9.2 Ocean literacy and public engagement, and subtask 10.4.3 - CS3 Early hazard detection in aquaculture.
Together with the FTO team, I was engaged in the organization of the 5 Port Calls (Belém, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, Santos and Itajaí) that took place along the Brazilian Coast from September to November 2021. All Port Calls had a diverse program, including activities such as visits by school groups and the local community, scientific conferences, film screenings, projects with artists, among others. Each Port Call had the collaboration of professors and undergraduates from local universities, who helped with the organization and also worked as volunteers at the events. One event, the Itajaí Port Call was attended by 500 visitors, as well as 240 students from local schools and 15 university students who collaborated as volunteers. ​​At Belem, besides the general program, we organized two workshops on the operation and use of Curiosity and PlanktoScope equipment with professors from two federal universities in Pará (UFPA and UFRA). ​Each Port Call had its special shine and a positive response from everyone who was able to attend.
I also contributed to the Portuguese review of AtlantECO Project promotional materials. In addition, together with my team, I developed promotional materials for 2021 Port Calls. We also developed a promotional video to be used for 2022 Port Calls that will take place along the Brazilian coast aboard Veleiro ECO very soon.
​As part of WP9, I was one of the speakers at the webinar on Ocean Literacy promoted by the AtlantECO Project in partnership with UNESCO. I also participated in the creation of the “Ocean Literacy and the Atlantic Region” toolkit, including the production of 6 lesson plans.
As part of WP4, Paula Huber and I organized two workshops on the Amazon Plume during May 2021. We gathered Brazilian and international researchers in order to move towards a more profound understanding of the Amazon Plume dynamics. This led to improvements of the research sampling strategy onboard Tara Schooner.
​I’ve also contributed to AtlantECO’s registration at SIBIO and SISGEN, and with getting Brazilian authorization for biological sampling and genetic analysis.
Concerning the Mission Microbiomes onboard Tara Schooner, I was the chief scientist on leg 10, from Itajaí to Buenos Aires, November 19th to December 1st, which was an incredible and unforgettable experience.
​In April of this year, I organized the pilot research tests aboard the Veleiro ECO and, together with my colleagues at AtlantECO, I have been adapting and testing the research protocols that were carried out onboard Tara for the Veleiro ECO expedition.