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Raïssa Meyer

PhD, AWI, Germany


  • Marine microbiology

  • Omics

  • Ocean observation

  • Metadata

  • Ontology

  • Indicators

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Short BIO


My research in microbial ecology applies bioinformatics and data science to investigate the dynamics of the living ocean. I'm leading a collaborative effort between ocean observatories to prototype a network of interoperable omic biodiversity data exchange and analysis. I'm using ontologies and digital exchange standards to build a sustainable, solid, and extendable foundation for this work.


My aim is to bridge stakeholders within and beyond academia, advancing the readiness of global omic and microbial observation networks, and ad­dress­ing the over­arch­ing sci­entific mis­sion to in­vest­ig­ate the state of the plan­et­ary-scale mar­ine mi­cro­bi­ome.

Role in AtlantECO

In AtlantECO, I am contributing to Task 3.3 and to the leadership of Task 5.5. With that, my work here revolves around working with partners from UCT, CSIC, Uni Roma, OGS, and MTA OK to develop prototype indicators for ecosystem dynamics and services, as well as bridging related work in AtlantECO to international strategies in ocean observing. 

AtlantECO Results

To align activities in T5.5 with related global efforts, I co-organised and led a webinar on Indicator Development with invited experts from UNEP-WCMC, the Biodiversity Indicator Framework, IndiSeas, the DPSIR Framework, and the Ecosystem Services Framework. 

To bridge efforts in AtlantECO to international strategies in ocean observing, we are working with the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, the Group on Earth Observation, and the Global Ocean Observing System. In collaboration with multiple founding organisations, we built the Omic Biodiversity Observation Network (Omic BON) under GEO BON, as well as the UN Ocean Decade Programme Ocean Biomolecular Observing Network (OBON).

Further, we established links with the UN Environment expert group for SDG14 indicators on marine debris and plastic through the development of an ontology-based and FAIR classification system for marine plastics for SDG14.1.1 within the Environment Ontology (ENVO). The evolving outcome of this work is the first version of the Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution Ontology inside of ENVO.

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